(NEW YORK) -- As the virus that causes COVID-19 traveled out of China and proliferated across the globe, it developed small mutations that accumulated into distinct versions of the virus.......
(NEW YORK) -- Scientists and doctors are learning more about the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 with each passing week.Doctors have now described alarming situations in which patients with COVID-19 suddenly and inexplicably become critically......
(NEW YORK) -- As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase, it is clear an effective vaccine is urgently needed. With experts predicting 12 to 18 months before a vaccine is available, some scientists......
(NEW YORK) -- Results from two new South Korean studies shed light on whether antibodies will be a reliable form of protection against COVID-19 for those who have recovered from the disease.In......
BY: DR. ANGELA N. BALDWIN (NEW YORK) — Hic locus est ubi mors gaudet vitae succurrere, is a phrase often inscribed on the walls of morgues and autopsy suites. Roughly translated from Latin it means,......
(VANCOUVER, Wash.) -- A respiratory therapist in Washington state who delivered her baby 16 days ago, while in a coma fighting COVID-19, has finally met her new little girl, whom she named Ava.The......
(BERLIN) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the heads of Germany’s 16 states have decided to allow some stores to open as early as next week even as social distancing guidelines remain in effect.In......