(NEW YORK) — Here’s the latest information on the COVID-19 coronavirus as of 9:30 a.m. ET.
Latest reported numbers globally per Johns Hopkins University
Global diagnosed cases: 2,729,274
Global deaths: 191,614. The United States has the most deaths of any single country, with 50,372.
Number of countries/regions: at least 185
Total patients recovered globally: 748,876
Latest reported numbers in the United States per Johns Hopkins University
There are at least 869,172 diagnosed cases in 50 states + the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam. This is more than in any other country.
U.S. deaths: at least 50,372. New York City has the greatest number of reported deaths in the U.S., with 16,388.
U.S. total patients recovered: 80,934
U.S. total people tested: 4,684,300
U.S. total people hospitalized: 123,981
The greatest number of reported COVID-19 cases in the U.S. is in New York, with 263,460 confirmed cases out of a total state population of 19.5 million. That is the most reported cases than in any other single region in the world. New Jersey is next, with 100,025 reported cases out of a total population of 8.88 million.
Latest reported deaths per state
Visit https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html for the latest numbers.
School closures
For a state-by-state interactive map of current school closures, please visit the Education Week website, where numbers are updated once daily.
There are 98,277 public schools and 34,576 private schools in the U.S., according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Those schools educate almost 50.8 million public school students and 5.8 million private school students.
The latest headlines
ABC/Ipsos poll: Large majorities of Americans back COVID-19 restrictions, slower return to normal
As states and municipalities debate whether to ease lockdown restrictions amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and new poll finds a strong majority of Americans aren’t on board with getting back to normal just yet. An ABC News/Ipsos poll, released today, finds 86% of Americans declaring that current social distancing and stay-at-home policies are sensible, and 72% saying moving too quickly to loosen those restrictions is a greater threat to the U.S. than moving too slowly. Even if restrictions were lifted tomorrow, only 20% said they’d likely return to social public places; 80% said the opposite, about the same percentage of Americans who also said they’re concerned about contracting the coronavirus.
More than 10,000 US nursing home residents dead of COVID-19
Residents in assisted living facilities are among those most vulnerable to COVID-19 infection, a reality supported by a new survey of state data compiled by ABC News, which found the number of nursing home residents in the U.S. who have died of coronavirus infection has surpassed 10,000. That accounts for roughly 20% of America’s 50,372 COVID-19 deaths as of Friday morning, according to tracking by Johns Hopkins University. Some 10,631 long-term care residents are known to have died of COVID-19, but that number is likely higher due to incomplete data, unreported deaths and reporting discrepancies. In addition to advanced age, which makes assisted living residents more vulnerable to infection, other factors contributing to the higher death rate include inadequate and undertrained staff, close proximity of infected people, and pre-existing medical conditions that further increase infection susceptibility.
Beware of work-from-home scams, say law enforcement officials
The COVID-19 lockdown – and the resulting record numbers of people laid off and filing for unemployment — has prompted a surge in work-from-home scams. The Federal Trade Commission says Americans have filed more than 24,000 complaints about same since January, with losses totaling more than $19 million. One victim described accepting a job to proofread educational materials, and receiving a check for $3,000 from the company to purchase a computer, and other supplies to do the job, from so-called “approved vendors.” After paying the vendors, the victim discovered the check had bounced, leaving him out-of-pocket for the computer and supplies – and the company, and would-be job, in the wind. Tips for protecting yourself: research companies to see if they’re legit or if others have complained, don’t give them personal information, and always be suspicious of any job that requires you to pay money up front.
Good news!
New York 101-year-old beats COVID-19
The older you are, the more likely you are to contract COVID-19 and the less likely you are to recover. Which makes Rose Leigh-Manuel’s case even more remarkable. WABC reports the 101-year-old Long Island, New York woman – a resident of an assisted living facility in Sayville – was diagnosed with the coronavirus about two weeks ago, but has just been given a clean bill of health. Her family says Rose’s toughness contributed to her recovery: she didn’t retire until age 95, and raised her kids by herself after her husband died in 1971. Rose credits the care she received, and the support of her family, which includes four children, 17 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren and several great-great-grandchildren.
Bakery offers “bagel loan” program to hard-hit locals
Like most businesses, the Sweetbox Delivery bakery in Spokane, Washington has taken a serious income hit, especially considering more than 90% of their business came from wholesaling baked goods to restaurants and other businesses, many of which are now shuttered. But owner Clay Cerna, who tells KXLY that he’s lost about 50% of his income due to the COVID-19 lockdown, has switched to selling directly to the public – even if you can’t pay him right away. Recognizing the record numbers of people out of work – and wanting to encourage people to remain home — Cerna has started what he calls the ‘bagel loan’ program. Through May 4, and possibly longer, you can order a six-pack of bagels at 50% off, delivered right to your door, with no need to pay until June 1. All he asks is that customers pay the delivery driver $5, which they keep. He says so far, about 30% of his customers are taking advantage of the bagel loan program, and lots of them have already paid off their tabs. Sweetbox Delivery also ships out of state.
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